- Posts
- 6/19 - 6/26
6/19 - 6/26
events and weather in LA

Welcome back to LA LA Land,
Hi frens! This week is jampacked with events! Truth be told, I kinda went down the rabbit hole and found a ton of events. It’s amazing the diversity in events coming out these days. Maybe it’s the warm weather? Or the overcast like we’re San Francisco. In either case, you’ve all got the pick of the litter for events. There’s even some pretty cool AI events this week too.
Also, I’ve been thinking about featuring event organizers, entrepreneurs, and people in the tech, entertainment, and media scenes in LA. The intention being to build up the LA builders community more and more. I’ll put the interviews at the bottom of this newsletter. If you can think of anyone you think I should feature, let me know!
Thanks for reading, Minh Do
P.S. Btw, please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends in LA!
monday (6/19)
CryptoMondays Orange County - Start the week off with some crypto chats down in the OC?
Los Angeles Business Connections One Table at a Time - Come and network in a speed networking event.
tuesday (6/20)
Nerd Nite Los Angeles - Want to hear nerds talk about their favorite topics? Nerd Nite is the spot!
Crypto/Web3 Hang - Check your crypto wallet and don’t click on any weird links.
CXAUTO Strategy & Retail Innovation - Data Analytics & AI - Aftermarket & Aftercare 2023 - Want to learn about what’s happening in the automobile industry?
Los Angeles 2023 Q3 Venture Capital World Summit - Cash is expensive these days, but what better time to build a company? Ask some investors.
Salesforce Women in Tech: Summer Happy Hour - Salesforce is down in LA too. Meet other women in the industry.
Tech Tuesday: Intro to Computer-Aided Design for 3D Printing - 3D printing and AI coming soon to a home near you.
Women In Investing - Find out what women are investing in.
wednesday (6/21)
Venice Startup Cafe Kick Off - Startups in Venice unite!
MedTech Minds Mastermind - What’s happening in medtech in Los Angeles?
Future Festival Los Angeles 2023 - Learn how to spot trends and find out what people are investing in the future.
Exclusive Investors-Entrepreneur Dinner - I’ve been posting this one for months now. Has anyone been?
VidCon 2023 - What are video influencers doing in Los Angeles? Come here and find out.
WEB3 WEDS | Weekly Speaker Series | Jun 21- Nick Villar GLASS.xyz - Meet other web3 folks and see how the industry is still growing.
thursday (6/22)
Comedians vs. AI: For Sh!ts & Gigs - Here’s a new one! One of the most interesting AI events I’ve seen in LA. Comedians battle AI to see who is funnier. And….we have a promo code for a discount for the event if you want: IRLLA
LA Woman Happy Hour & Power Panel - Find out what women in business are building in LA
Sunset Social at Kimpton Hotel Wilshire - Networking on a rooftop? Why not!
Pasadena Business, Entrepreneurs & Start Ups Networking Night - Meet the startup ecosystem of Pasadena.
THE SOCIAL- From Bandos 2 Blockchain Tour - Music meets NFT’s and then boom!
friday (6/23)
Stargazing Lecture - Go out to Caltech to learn about the stars with scientists? How can you pass this up? It happens pretty often so keep your eye out if you can’t make it this week
Los Angeles Westside Network: Morning Brew with Bruins - Want to meet other UCLA grads?
Tech Happy Hour (In person! Collab with Code and Cocktails meetup) - Cocktails, codes, and happy hour? I’m in.
FoodieLand Night Market - Rose Bowl Stadium | June 23-25, 2023 - Take this weekend to get out to the Rose Bowl for night market!
RoadPitch Los Angeles Demos + Mixer - Meet other black entrepreneuers!
Web3 & Me: Creative Community, Education, & Play - Web3 meets education FTW!
The Value of IP: Raising Capital With Patents As Collateral - Turn those patents into moneyyyy.
saturday (6/24)
Marc Maron - Live at Dynasty Theater - From comedian to podcast to the theater, come check out Marc Maron!
Dank Coder Tech Mixer - I mean….dank coders? what could be better?
LA Tech Meetup - Yup.
Tech Ai engineer, happy hour - You know it.
The Queen of Bitcoin - The Rise and Fall - I honestly don’t know what this is, but i’m already fascinated.
sunday (6/25)
The Game Awards: 10-Year Celebration at the Hollywood Bowl - Come out to the Hollywood Bowl for video games? This is as nerdy as it gets.
Tea Tech & Tequila/ June Drone meet - Learn about drones with other drone hobbyists.
monday (6/26)
LA's Biggest Tech Startup & Business Professional Networking Soiree - Next Monday…go to the biggest, right?
We’re really getting the heat this weekend. Let’s go out to the beach! Who’s in!?

I'll be updating this as a dynamic list of events that are coming up throughout the year, so keep an eye out as I'll bigger events throughout the world as they pop up.
Los Angeles 2023 Venture Capital World Summit - June - Venture capital in LA! Let's go! It’s this week!
3xp Web3 Gaming Expo - DCENTRAL LA - June - The future of web3 is gaming, right?
2023 IDEAS Global AI Conference - Oct - Finally, an AI conference in LA.
Web Summit - Nov 2023 - The biggest tech conference in Europe is back in November.
DSS LA: AI and Machine Learning in Media & Entertainment - Dec 2023 - AI, Media and Entertainment? Is this the most LA event of 2023?
Got an event we should feature in this newsletter? Click the button!
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